A place to work out

Welcome to Body Elite Fitness & Boxing Gym. Body Elite has been operating in the Stellenbosch area for more than 24 years. Established in February 2000, Body Elite started out as a single personal trainer with a passion for the body and a deep satisfaction in helping others change theirs.
From there, it grew into a multidimensional business, boasting a full-scale gym area and a boxing area complete with a boxing ring. We have a team of personal trainers, a nutritionist, boxing instructors & deep tissue masseuse to help you reach your fitness goals. We offer everything fitness related under one roof with our complete health & sports supplements shop and boxing gear retailer. Furthermore, we retail & manufacture gym equipment.
Our private facility is for people who are serious about living a healthy lifestyle.
With us, you are not just a number.

Meet the Team

Craig Norman

Owner, Head Strength and Conditioning coach and sports supplements specialist.

With an International certification in strength and fitness training and over 23 years experience in helping thousands of clients, Craig is unrivaled in his knowledge in this field and have trained many national athletes, rugby players and body builders.
He is a lifelong natural body builder and have competed at international level.

Ingrid Norman

Head of administration, trainer and in-house nutritionist.

Ingrid is an experienced personal trainer with 20 years experience helping hundreds of clients reach their health and fat loss goals.

She is the resident nutritionist and offers customized meal plan programs.

Nicholas Jonker

Head boxing coach, professional wrestling coach, Head BJJ coach and certified personal trainer. Has many years of experience participating, coaching and training people in all disciplines mentioned above.

Our Gallery

Reach to us

Craig Norman

Ingrid Norman

Our Address

4 Memory Lane bldg
Cnr Andringa st & Banghoek Ln,

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